When the world seems totally upside down, it is more important than ever to focus on all that we have to be thankful for. Mindful that the disruption we are experiencing could get worse- and is already worse for many, also focuses the mind on the fact that many people’s lives are in a constant state of far bigger trials. If you are in a war zone, or with a terminal illness, or being trafficked, or homeless, or, or, or — millions of people on this planet wake up with much bigger problems than the Coronavirus, and if this virus enables us to recognize their challenges more acutely, and to focus on our blessings, there is a silver lining in the otherwise dark cloud.
A small list of things I am thankful for that I started this morning:
- I am thankful for police, firefighters, National Guard and Military personnel who put themselves in harms way to keep us safe, at their peril
- I am thankful for doctors and nurses and the staff that keeps hospitals and doctors offices functioning. It is easy to overlook the service they provide until you need it- and dealing with all the sick people they do, puts them in danger every day.
- I am thankful for priests and pastors and rabbis and others who minister to the spiritual health of people — and who do so at their own risk. Being on the front lines of love and encouragement is very hard work indeed.
- I am thankful for truck drivers who keep our stores stocked with food, farmers who grow the food, manufacturers who keep the products coming that we need, and stores that stay open to give us a place to buy the things we need.
- I am thankful for family and friends, laughter and love. I am thankful for the fun of playing a board game or just watching a movie together and hugs. I know there are fewer hugs today (as we keep a “safe distance”), but still in my family there are lots of hugs and I don’t plan for that to change.
- I am thankful for interesting work that gives me things to focus on other than pandemics.
- I am thankful that today the sun is shining in New York City and that it feels like spring is here. Spring always feels so hopeful!
My hope is that we can focus on all that we have to be grateful for, and that we can spread some kindness through the day today. There have been reports of real ugliness towards one another here in my beautiful city- and I realize that fear sometimes brings out the worst in people, but hopefully we can work towards stopping that. I remember after 9/11 how gently people treated one another here in the city, and I am confident that we can do that again. Pulling together- as a family, as a community, as a city and as a nation is something we can certainly accomplish!