Shameless Plug
We are really excited about how Pefin is revolutionizing financial planning
Pefin is a finalist at SXSW
We will be at the Interactive Innovation Forum on 3/11 in Booth 20 (Hyatt Downtown, Austin)
You can vote for us even if you aren’t there! We will be sharing the voting link on 3/11, and we appreciate your vote!
At Booth 20 you will be able to see what Pefin can do to help you achieve what matters most to you!!
You will be able to meet Pefin’s Founder, CEO and CTO — as well as The Pefin Guy!
We have great give-aways including CASH (for real! At the booth!)
If you take your picture with The Pefin Guy, and post it on social media tagged with #PefinGuy and @pefininc, the person with the most “likes” and “shares” by March 15th will get $500!!
Looking forward to seeing you there — and if you can’t make it to SXSW, follow what’s happening at
#Do Life with Pefin!!